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How to improve candidate experience.

In this week’s blog we will focus on how recruiters (or future employers) can create a great candidate experience. What is candidate experience? In its most simple definition, it is how job seekers see your brand throughout the hiring process –from job description, interview through to final offer. Is the process easy and comfortable? Or is it difficult and frustrating? Their experience will not only inform whether or not they take the job, but also how they portray the company to their network of other prospective talent.

What are the biggest mistakes when recruiting? How to improve the recruitment process? If you want to find out then keep on reading. 

  1. Time We all know that hiring new talent is a time-consuming and costly process, but you need to make the effort and be as responsive as possible. This is because the demand is higher than the supply. In other words, there is a shortage of talent on the market and candidates expect better treatment if a company wants them on board.55% of candidates will give up on a position if they don’t hear back from the company after two weeks of applying. It’s simple – there are lots of opportunities and jobs to apply to, and if you’re taking too long, the candidates will go to an employer that appreciates their time moreThere are plenty of ways to cut down on your time to hire, but the first step is to analyse your current processes and find out the biggest time drains, so remember time is precious for both you and the candidate! 
  2. Application process60% of job seekers have quit an application in the middle due to its length or complexity. A lengthy application process weeds out the candidates who aren’t as invested in or committed to working at your company. But top candidates have plenty of choices, and they won’t jump through hoops just to apply.Do you know what your application process is like? Try going through it as if you’re a candidate. See how long it takes, and if you’re asking questions that you could easily find out later. A good idea would be to add a simple and relevant question whenever someone applies for your job e.g. Do you have your own transport? This will be a quicker way for you to shortlist candidates.  
  3. Communication

At the center of providing a great candidate experience is good communication. In surveys, candidates rated communication as the number one way to engage talent. For example, significant numbers of respondents reported that:

  • Not receiving a basic application confirmation email created a bad experience.
  • If they did receive an email, the communication was weak and inconsistent.

So how can you up your communication game? The best recruiters provide candidates with consistent communication – whether the news is good or bad. What you might do is create a well-written confirmation and follow-up emails so applicants remain interested in your company, regardless of the outcome of their application.

Finally, remember that a candidate experience shouldn’t end the moment they become an employee. Provide new hires with resources to succeed on the job. Your current staff can help with referring other applicants, which can increase your talent pool. 

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CV design – how to impress your future employer.

It’s that time of the year when people often start looking for new positions or a new career. The first step is to create an impressive and unique CV or to update and improve your current one.  Recruiters receive dozens, even hundreds of CV’s, so it is vital you make a great first impression with your resume.

A CV has to include both relevant information and be presented professionally in order to catch a recruiter’s eye. And although your formatting may change depending on your industry, there are a few simple rules which you should always follow – how your CV looks can dramatically change your chance of success. 

Have a look at our list of Do’s and Don’ts below:


  1. Use bullet points. This is a great way to break up text and make it more readable for employers. You don’t want to end up with long and detailed sentences that take half of the page, so use bullet points to outline your duties/responsibilities in a simple and neat way. 
  2. Keep it to two pages.The most effective CVs aren’t just informative, they’re also concise. Try and get straight to the most important points, and ideally take up no more than two sides of A4. 
  3. Include a personal statement. A significant number of people neglect to include this at the start of their CV which is a big mistake, as this can be the selling point. Write few sentences right at the top of the first page, illustrating your unique skills that make you a perfect match for the role. Ensuring you update this for every role that you apply for. Clearly outline the kind of role you are applying for and why and try to include the top three most relevant skills very briefly.  
  4. Work in chronological order.

Whether you are writing about your experience or your education, the most recent information is the most important. Always put it first.


  1. Choose inappropriate font and size.Times New Roman is one of the most commonly used fonts, but you may find that Cambria or Calibri are better options for you. The ideal font size is 11 – remember, the hiring managers will be scanning your CV, so it needs to be nice and easy to read. 
  2. Include irrelevant person information.You don’t need to include your nationality and you definitely don’t need to mention your age. Although employers aren’t legally allowed to dismiss your application based solely on how old you are, you’ll never know if that’s the reason they rejected you, so it’s best to avoid mentioning these type of details.  
  3. Include negative information.If you are thinking of putting on your CV reasons why you left your previous positions, or perhaps that you have driving licence points or that you failed exams – forget it now. This is something you can explain in a job interview, so make sure you don’t include any negative information that would discredit you.  
  4. Forget to double check.

This may seem obvious but a mistake on a CV could be the difference between an interview invitation and not. A survey found that there are around 5 typical errors put on most CVs. Since any mistakes put you at an immediate disadvantage to other potential candidates, don’t forget to read through and ensure that there are no mistakes and that the style is consistent throughout.

Once you have finished reviewing your CV ask you friend of family to have a look and check for grammar or spelling mistakes. When done, you can send your CV and wait for employer’s invitation for an interview!

We wish you the very best of luck!

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Tips for Job seekers in 2020.

If your New Year’s resolution is to get a new job, you are not alone. Many people will start looking for a new career at this time of the year.  

The start of January often has us evaluating where we’re at in our careers and where we want to be in the year ahead. And this is what makes it the best time of year to start job hunting. You’re rested after some time off work and hopefully you’re motivated to seize any great opportunities that come your way. 

Here are 4 tips to help you navigate the 2020 job search:

  1.  Updates.New Year, New CV! Go through your CV and make necessary changes. Think about all the skills you’ve learned between the last time you’ve uploaded your CV and now and how much this could add to your job application.  Go on your profiles on social media (e.g. LinkedIn) and see if you need to make any changes to have a fresh start in 2020. 
  2. Make a plan.The best way to accelerate your job search is to start with a plan. As simple as it sounds, it’s often overlooked.  First, identify a clear job target. Have a think of what positions you’re looking for, what salary and write down what skills you possess which are suitable for your chosen roles.Next, create a list of 15-20 target companies that you’d want to work for who hire people for your target role. When you are building out your target list of companies, spend time evaluating your network looking for connectors. 
  3. Network professionally.Whether you’re looking to stay in your current industry or pave a completely new path in another. professional networking is critical. These days, over 70% of offers job seekers receive are a result of networking.Networking can help you get your foot in the door at a company of your interest, gain new and valuable reference in the industry, and determine whether or not you really want to move into a specific role. Create a LinkedIn profile if you haven’t got one – it’s a great way of connecting with other professionals, managers, recruiters and companies. 
  4. Stay focused.

Don’t give up. Job hunting usually takes a long time and a lot of persistence. Don’t be put off if you don’t get offered the job after your interview. Ask your interviewer for feedback and see if it’s possible for you to improve on the answers you’ve given or behaviour you’ve demonstrated.  

You can also seek help when job hunting – our consultants are more than happy to answer any questions or perhaps direct you in the path that you haven’t thought about. 

UK Statistics 

  • For July to Sept 2019, there was an estimated 813,000 job vacancies in the UK.
  • London is the most popular place for a recruitment start-up, followed by Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.
  • 27.5 days is the average length of the job interview process.

With all these tips in mind, we hope that sooner or later you will be offered your dream job. Stay positive and don’t get discouraged.

Good Luck!

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Why New Year’s resolutions fail and how to success.

With New Year’s Eve all done and gone, you may be thinking of putting together your New Year’s resolutions for 2020. A new year beautifully symbolises a new chapter opening in the book that is your life. But while so many people aspire to achieve ambitious goals, only 12% of us will ever achieve them.

But why is this and what can we do to succeed with our New Year’s resolution? If you want to find out, keep on reading.

  1. Don’t follow the crowd.Those end-of-the-year activities and New Year’s Eve parties often come with pressure to declare how you’re going to change your life. Many people set a resolution based on what they think they should do or they choose the same resolutions as their family members or friends rather than what they actually want to do.When it comes to resolutions think of yourself and what goals you want to achieve. If you friend’s resolution is to go to the gym more often, decide if this is a good idea for you.  When your heart’s not in it won’t help you get in shape.49.2% of people made the same resolution at the start of the year before.
  2. Believe in yourself, but be realistic at the same time. When saying ‘‘I want to go to the gym 5 times a week’’ have an honest think if you are  really going to stick to this resolution. Setting unrealistic, highly aspirational goals is a quick way to guilt and failure. Recognise that you have weaknesses and that you may struggle in some areas and you’ll be more emotionally prepared to keep going and meet your goal.On the other hand, you don’t want to lose all your confidence and feel negative. The only way to defeat doubt is to believe in yourself. Who cares if you’ve failed a time or two? This year, you can try again and strive for success. Stay positive – congratulate and reward yourself for making the effort towards your goal. That will give you the energy you need to continue achieving your initial goal.The most popular New Year’s resolutions are to: exercise more, lose weight, learn new skill or spend more time with family/friends.
  3. Plan, plan and plan.

Having a goal isn’t enough – you need a plan and a system. People set themselves up for failure because they commit to a resolution, fully knowing they have no plan in place to actually achieve it. 

A little planning ahead goes a long way toward making good habits stick. All you need is a pen, notebook and some time. You have to answer tough questions like, “Will I have to wake up earlier to go to the gym?” or “How am I going to stick to my budget when my friends invite me out for dinner several nights per week?” Anticipating challenges and identifying solutions is a key to long-term success. Plan exactly what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do this – every week you should be a step closer.

Don’t worry about mistakes – they are bound to happen when working towards your goal. The key to success is setting yourself an appropriate, achievable goal, planning towards it and not giving up despite the barriers or mistakes. It’s not easy, we know, but this year get motivated and try harder. You can do it!

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Christmas Marketing

Christmas marketing guide from Direct Response Employment

Festive season is here – whether you like it or not, everyone’s getting excited and we are all looking forward to the Christmas Day. The run-up to Christmas is the perfect opportunity to win your recruitment brand some extra attention by building a positive brand image that helps you stand out from the crowd.

We have put together 3 tips that will help you promote your recruitment brand during the festive season.

  1. Be active on social media.December is a busy month for many people and social media is a great example to prove this. With social media users organising events, putting photos of Christmas bakes, shopping and Christmas trees, it can be a real battle to get any engagement on content. If you want to be noticed it’s important to choose a recruitment-related Christmas topic that you can regularly post on social media. For example, Advent countdowns always tend to go down well, as these also function as a countdown to getting some much needed time off! However, the important thing here is to make sure you remain relevant and valuable to your users with what you share.Another good idea is to share photos of different events going on within the company such as Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas party or you delivering gifts to clients. This will all boost your chances of reaching a wider pool of people on social media and will show you’re being engaging and positive during this time of the year.  
  2. Website and emails.A good idea could be to update your logo with a Christmassy image on your website and social media. It doesn’t need to be a complex design, you can simply add Santa’s hat, as this small addition will be enough to make everyone notice you’re in the festive spirit!When writing Christmas emails, why not go for a festive email signature instead of the same and old one? This unique idea will spread the festive cheer with every email you send. 
  3. Gifts for clients.

Sending or giving Christmas gifts to clients is always going to be great for your company brand, as who doesn’t like to know they’re appreciated? The more original you can be with this the better, but only go as far with this as makes sense. It’s never a good idea to go overboard resource-wise, and make sure you choose carefully, when deciding what to send them!

Start using Christmas to promote your recruitment brand now, and your company will be off to an excellent start come the New Year – when being visible to candidates really matters. Embracing the festivities will not only help you stand out as a recruitment brand with personality, but you’ll have a lot of fun with it too! 

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New Year, New CV!

new year new cv

2020 is fast approaching and you may be thinking of changing your job in the early months of next year, but have you thought of updating your CV?

 A common New Year’s resolution for many of us is to land a new job that we love. However, in a highly competitive jobs market, it’s vital you have a strong CV and a positive attitude.  The goal here is to give whoever reads the document the best understanding of who you are professionally. If ever there is a time to tell everyone how good you are then this is it! We’ve put together 5 tips which we hope will help your New Year job search.

  1. Make it SIMPLE.CVs should be no longer than two pages of A4. You may not know, but statistics show employers spend on average just 8 seconds looking at one CV. Keep it short and sweet and remember the most important information lies in your education and experience. Your choice of font and layout are a key to making sure a potential employer carries on reading your CV. Simple formats work best – we recommend choosing Calibri or Arial as a safe option. 
  2. Don‘t be generic.Take time to update your CV with a relevant skill set when applying for different positions. Don’t send exactly the same CV when applying for jobs. Research the company and use the job advert to work out exactly what skills you should point out to them. They will appreciate the obvious effort. 
  3. Update and check.Make sure you update your CV, add relevant skills and experience. Ideally only include 2-3 previous employers, unless you have older jobs relevant to the position you’re applying for.Double or triple check your CV for spelling, grammar and punctuation. If you’re unsure then use a spellchecker and ask someone else to double-check what you’ve written.  
  4. Avoid jargon and buzzwords.It can be tempting to chuck in what we consider to be great personality traits, for example – team player, passionate, motivated – you get the drift. Instead use words such as: trained, accurate, achieved, managed etc. 
  5. Last but not least – NO LYING!

Putting incorrect information on your CV is not a good idea at all. It will only put you in a very awkward situation when it comes to employers checking your background and references or when you get asked a question during your interview and you won’t be able to answer it.

Updating your CV can be an easy process as long as you know what you want to do with it. But, the best idea is to review your CV regularly – usually up to every 6 to 12 months. This way, you don’t risk forgetting any important information that needs to go in it.

If you need help with updating your CV, contact us now and we will be able to help.

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Say ‘Yes’ to Job Hunting in December

Job hunting in Wiltshire

With Christmas fast approaching with just three weeks left, you may not have thought of job hunting in December. 

Many people think December is the worst time of the year to look for a job, as companies slow down and can take a little bit longer than usually to get back to you regarding your job application, interviews or offers.  Also, candidates are often found winding down for Christmas and pledging to find a new job come January.

However, this provides a big opportunity for job seekers, who want to secure a new position before the New Year. 

Here are some reasons why you should consider looking for a job in the exciting month of December and not wait till January.

  1. CompetitionAs mentioned above, people don’t tend to look for a new job in December, so if you’re looking for your new job in December, you’re up against less competition.  While everyone else waits to start their job search in January, start your job hunt now. Fewer applicants mean more chance of your CV being noticed and a quicker hiring process.
  2. Start work in JanuaryJanuary is often a very busy time of year for many companies and so managers may struggle to fit in interviews and training of new staff members promptly.The end of the year, especially just before the holiday period, can often be calmer in terms of workload, making it easier for teams to consider their recruitment for the year ahead. This makes it an ideal time for you to get in touch with companies and to start applying for jobs.  Ignore the myth that hiring managers are not looking for candidates at the end of the year.
  3. Evidence of Determination

When looking for a job in December, you will impress recruiters with your determination. It’s easy to take December slow, but if you are one of those who doesn’t lose motivation and stays proactive, that will definitely shine through.

The holidays are a great time to take a break—and many do. But, if you want to stand out in your job search, you may want to consider being more active than most people and keep pushing your job search forward. Now is the time.

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How to make a temporary job a permanent one

Make a temp job a permanent one in Wiltshire

Temporary employment has seen quite an increase in the last couple of years. Employers in various industries are hiring temp workers to fill positions for a few days, weeks or months at a time. Businesses are using recruitment agencies to help them when the demand for staff is higher (holiday, sickness or peak periods cover) or when they need someone with a specific skill set. It gives them the flexibility as to when and for how long they need the temporary workers for. 

Temporary assignments have plenty of benefits too – they offer a great way to develop your current skills, supplement your income while looking for a different position, gain experience in a completely new field or fill in the gap between other endeavours without committing to a permanent contract.

So, how exactly do you turn a temporary job into a permanent one?

  1. Reliability at 110%One of the most important attributes employers are looking for is reliability.Approach your placement as if you are a permanent employee by keeping the standard of your work and enthusiasm levels high. Make sure you arrive on time, do the tasks to the best of your ability and show that you can be trusted. This will boost up your chances when the opportunity for a permanent position arises.
  2. Build relationshipsBecoming a familiar face is part of any role, but particularly important when you are looking for a new role. Building and maintaining relationships with everyone you interact with can pay off in the long run, as well as give you an insight into company movements.As a temporary worker make sure you observe the environment and develop understanding of company rules and policies. Your colleagues can help you settle in, make you feel more comfortable and answer some of your questions. 
  3. Make yourself clear 

If you’re interested in a permanent position, speak with your consultant in a recruitment agency. They may already be aware that the company is recruiting for permanent staff and they would be happy to put your forward for the position.

Second person to speak to would be your manager or supervisor. If you’re working on temporary basis your manager may not realise that you would like to join the company on full-time, permanent basis. Make sure your boss knows how happy you are to be working here, and that you’d be open to making this a longer-term opportunity.

Be cautious, though, of asking for the world too early or too often, as this may place a strain on your working relationship. Patience is the key!

Take control and start turning yourself into the employee they won’t be able to survive without. By asking for extra responsibilities at work, after all if your boss will need to re-train other staff to fill your role once your contract ends they may consider offering you a longer term position instead.

There may not be a possibility for you to become a permanent member straight away, but stay positive and patient.

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Where to start with a career change.

Job hunting in December in Wiltshire

Switching jobs is a difficult decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It could majorly change your lifestyle and routine – but may also be the most rewarding thing you do.

There are plenty of reasons why people change careers – you may have reached your limits, you would like to gain experience in another field or perhaps you would like to be your own boss. Whatever the reason is first thing you need to do is think whether you actually need a career change or you just need a new job. 

Before you make a career change, here are steps you can take to increase your chances of success:

1. Think about your talents and interests.

First thing to do is to evaluate yourself – your skills, values and personality – BE HONEST. Ask yourself some questions and note the answers down, these will be useful when looking at potential new careers.  Some questions will include: 

  • What am I good at? What are my strengths?
  • What skills and qualifications do I have that can help me with this new career path?
  • What are my interests, could I connect them with my new career?You may be thinking that you want a complete change, away from everything, but be sensible. Think about other roles or jobs where you can use the knowledge, skills and capabilities that you have built up. 

2. Research

Now think about jobs. What occupations require your talents?

Search the Internet. Try terms in such as job skills, career skills or skills assessment to find the most suitable one for you and your background. For each occupation on your list, you will want to look at the job description, educational and other requirements

Narrow the list to a few possible careers — no more than three or four. Keep changing your list until you feel confident that you’d love a job in those fields and that you would do it well. 

3. Choosing the right career

Narrow your choices to one career and focus completely on that one.

You now need to gather more in-depth information. Your best source of this information are people who have first-hand knowledge of the occupations you’re interested in. Identify who they are and conduct informational interviews with them if possible. If you don’t know anyone personally, LinkedIn can be a great resource. You can find people with your desired job title and connect and reach out to them in regards to your interest in their field.

Do you need more training? Check out vocational schools and colleges in your area. Learn about specific training and what job placement services they offer. Ask about classes you can take while still employed. Night and weekend programs are often available.

4. Take action

When you have the skills and training you need, polish your resume and start your job search.

It could take a while for the transition to happen, so don’t get discouraged. 

When you’re considering how to switch careers, remember it isn’t over once you’re searching for jobs in the new field. Rather, you need to have a plan for how you’re going to talk about your career change to potential employers. After all, your career change will be apparent to the people you’re interviewing with. Make sure you have spent time reviewing how you can relate success in your previous career to success in your new career. Also, be prepared to discuss how the skills you have will translate to this new career path.

We wish you the very best of luck!

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What to wear for an interview.

What to wear for a job interview in Wiltshire

You only have one opportunity to make a first impression… so don’t ruin your chance!

We understand that interviews make us feel stressed out and it’s very difficult to banish that feeling.  Not only you have to remember what to say, answer questions in a professional manner, but also present yourself in the best way possible. The night before your big interview you should fall asleep knowing that a professional, appropriate outfit is laid out waiting for you.

Here’s a guide to make sure you choose the winning outfit for the job you’re applying for.

  1. Research the company Before you even start going through your wardrobe – do your homework. Find out what dress code is appropriate by looking at the company website or social media. Perhaps there are videos, where you can see what the employees are wearing at work. You can also check, if there is ‘Meet the Team’ or ‘About Us’ section. This will give you a good indication of the dress code and the company standards. If you’re still unsure of the company expectations simply call the HR department and explain you have an upcoming interview and would like to know the appropriate dress code.
  2. Not too many colours and accessories please!Classic is generally the best across all the industries and positions – black, white, navy or nude are an excellent option for both females and males. It’s also a good idea to avoid short hemlines and skin-tight fits altogether.With jewellery keep your choices as simple as possible. Avoid chunky, large or distracting bracelets, necklaces and earrings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yes, sorry, you’ll look a bit boring. That’s the point. Let your personality shine, not your clothes.
  3. Details make a differenceMake sure you iron your shirt and trousers/skirt, and keep perfume and make-up to a minimum.If you are wearing heels keep them moderate. Another option is wearing flat shoes – it’s up to you what you feel more comfortable with.  
  4. Some sensible examples may include:

Remember – you will be judged on your presentation, personality and your answers. But if you feel comfortable and good in your outfit it will definitely give you a confidence boost.

We hope we have made it a little bit easier for you to pick the best outfit and should you have any further questions please feel free to comment below.